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Blind spot car accidents: Causes and prevention

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2023 | Car Accidents

Blind spot car accidents are an all-too-frequent occurrence on Hawaii roads and can lead to serious collisions with potentially catastrophic consequences. A blind spot refers to an area around a vehicle that is not visible to the driver through the rearview and side mirrors. Failing to account for these hidden zones while changing lanes or merging can result in dangerous accidents.

Causes of blind spot accidents

The most obvious cause is inadequate visibility of vehicles or obstacles in the blind spots. Rearview and side mirrors can only cover certain angles, leaving areas that are not directly observable.

Inattentive driving, distraction or complacency can lead to failure in checking blind spots before making a lane change or merging. Misjudging the speed of a vehicle in the adjacent lane can result in attempting a lane change when it’s not safe, leading to a blind spot motor vehicle accidents.


Preventing blind spot accidents requires a combination of caution, awareness, and proper driving techniques. Start with properly adjusting your rearview and side mirrors to minimize blind spots. The goal is to eliminate any overlap between what you see in the mirrors and your peripheral vision.

Always use your turn signals to indicate your intentions to other drivers. This gives them time to adjust their speed or position if needed.

Before changing lanes or merging, physically turn your head to check your blind spots. This quick glance can provide valuable information about vehicles in adjacent lanes.

Avoid sudden or rushed lane changes. Take your time to assess the traffic around you and make safe decisions.

Maintaining a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of you can give you the necessary time to make proper driving decisions. With more reaction time, you can comfortably adjust to changes in traffic flow.

Avoid distractions such as texting, phone calls or multitasking while driving. Keeping your focus on the road enhances your ability to notice potential hazards.

Finally, use a rule that will almost certainly keep you out of trouble: Assume that other drivers might not see you or may not be aware of your intentions. Drive defensively and anticipate potential blind spot-related risks.